Thursday, April 19, 2012

Know Your Food - Poultry

For the Know Your Food convention in October, I’ve decided that I want to focus on POULTRY! Other commodities that my travel buddies have decided to focus on include herbs, pork, potatoes, sugar beets, beef, wheat, and lambs/wool.

ILVO is putting this convention on to help educate citizens about their food products. The organization is also looking to get the word out about their mission as an agricultural research entity.

I’m known as the chicken lady in my hometown, so I naturally chose poultry as my commodity. As a Lab Technician for Tyson Foods, Inc. Food Safety & Laboratory Services, I am knowledgeable on the microbiological testing aspect of food. I work to ensure that poultry products that customers purchase are free of microbial organisms like salmonella, E. coli, and listeria. I’m also a Poultry Science student, so I am knowledgeable about the production and processing aspects of poultry as well.

It is my goal to create an innovative display that will attract convention attendees, so that they can learn about the wonderful world of poultry.

Dr. Miller brought us some visual materials that he gathered in Scotland, so that we could see the caliber of materials in other countries. The pamphlets were high-quality publications with laminated, glossy pages and sharp graphics. I would like to use these methods of information transmission, but I also have another idea up my sleeve.

I was on the robotics team in high school, and one year we built an enclosed display. It was a dome shape, and people had to come into the dome to get our information. I’m hoping that I can do something similar while I am in Belgium to get people’s attention. It is that curiosity about the unknown that will draw them into my display.

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